Mocking SOAP APIs in functional tests using Nock

I work on writing services using Node.js on a customer experience team at GoDaddy. These services use data from different products across GoDaddy to provide personalized customer data to the client teams. To collect these data, we call different GoDaddy wide services. And this is where the real complication comes in. Since we don’t have control of these services, some of them are still legacy. And by legacy here I mean SOAP services as well. Yes, you read it right. SOAP services.

We initially started writing our functional tests calling real/live APIs. But then the functional tests became unreliable.

Here are the reasons why:

  1. The dependent services were slow.
  2. The dependent services were flaky.
  3. Covering corner cases with real test data is challenging. An example: Your service has a special handling for data returned by external service which contains products having last day of their free trial.

Using live APIs became more of a pain for our CICD process. It also made our CICD process slow and flaky.

This is when we spent time looking at different options to fix the test flakiness. One of the approach was to avoid calling the dependent services in our functional tests. During investigation of this approach, we came across Nock.

What is Nock?

Nock is an HTTP server mocking library for Node.js applications.

Nock intercepts HTTP request made using Node’s http.request or http.ClientRequest modules and responds with the expected/mocked status code and response.

Nock setup

Install Nock by running:

npm i --save-dev nock

Mocking REST service

Assume the service under development has an endpoint /user which returns fullname derived from the response of the dependent service, the test snippet would be:

const nock = require('nock');
const request = require('request');


const NEW_SERVICE_HOST = '';

const setupNock = () => {
    .reply(200, { firstname: 'foo', lastname: 'bar' });

describe('New Service', () => {
  it('/user endpoint returns fullname', async () => {
    const response = await request(NEW_SERVICE_HOST)
    expect(response.body).toEqual({ fullname: 'foo bar' });

You can also test how your service handles errors such as a 500 status from the dependent service. To do so update the setupNock to


You can also store the mock respone from the dependent service in separate files. Use replyWithFile in such cases

    .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, './mocks/user.json'));

All the above snippets looks pretty straightforward, but they are mocking REST APIs.

How would you achieve the same when the dependent service is a SOAP service?

Mocking SOAP services

Mocking SOAP services are a bit tricky since it involves first mocking the WSDL document which describes the SOAP service and then the SOAP action. Below are the steps to achieve that.

To get started, use GetCountriesAvailable action of the SOAP service and try mocking it with Nock.

Step 1: Create a service

We will build a new service that returns CountryCode: { Code, Description } from the SOAP service’s response. The code snippet for the GET call would be:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/countries', async (req, res) => {
  const SOAP_API_URL = '';
  const client = await soap.createClientAsync(SOAP_API_URL);
  const result = await client.GetCountriesAvailableAsync();

Step 2: Setup npm test

Add a test runner like mocha in your repository. Add the below line in scripts key of package.json:

  "test": "mocha test-functional/**/*.test.js --timeout 30000"

Step 3: Example Test Code

We will use supertest npm module for the API testing.

const request = require('supertest');

describe('GET', () => {
  it('/countries', async () => {
    const server = require('./server');
    const result = await request(server)
    expect(result).toEqual({ Code: 'Canada', Description: 'Canada' });

This will call the external SOAP service when ran in CICD, which leads to slow and flaky tests.

Instead of relying on the actual service, lets see how to mock the SOAP service.

Step 4: Mocking WSDL document

This is the first of two steps in mocking the SOAP service.

First, we will have to mock the WSDL response of the SOAP API. The WSDL is an XML document which describes the service and the actions the service can perform.

You can find WSDL document for the service here. For mocking, we copy the contents into ./mocks/holiday-service-wsdl.xml.

Also, create a function setupWsdlNock to mock the wsdl response.

const path = require('path');
const nock = require('nock');

const SOAP_API_HOST = '';
const SOAP_API_PATH = '/HolidayService_v2/HolidayService2.asmx?WSDL';

const setupWsdlNock = () => {
  return nock(SOAP_API_HOST)
    .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, './mocks/holiday-service-wsdl.xml'));

Step 5: Mocking SOAP action

The next step would be to mock the actual SOAP action which returns the test data that we expect.

Again, create another file ./mocks/get-countries-mock.xml with the below contents:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetCountriesAvailableResponse xmlns="">
          <Description>Most sparsely populated city in Europe</Description>
        <CountryCode />

Also add the following code in the test

const setupGetCountriesNock = (status, filename) => {
  return nock(SOAP_API_HOST, {
    reqHeaders: {
      soapaction: `"${SOAP_API_HOST}/HolidayService_v2/GetCountriesAvailable"`
    .replyWithFile(status, path.join(__dirname, filename));

describe('GET', () => {
  it('/countries', async () => {
    setupGetCountriesNock(200, './mocks/get-countries-mock.xml');

    const server = require('./server');
    const result = await request(server)
    expect(result).toEqual({ Code: 'Iceland', Description: 'Most sparsely populated city in Europe' });

Step 6: Running the test

Now run npm test and magic - You have your dependent SOAP service mocked.


  1. If you get an error like Error: Nock: No match for request, make sure to compare the hostname, path and the reqHeaders.soapaction in the test case with the actual request made.
  2. Nock interceptor resets itself after the first call to the SOAP service. Hence, if you have more than one call to the same SOAP service, make sure to mock the service using times function of Nock.

return nock('', {
    reqHeaders: {
      soapaction: `""`
    .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, './mocks/GetCountriesAvailable.xml'));


Using Nock will make your functional test less flaky and more independent of external factors. This will make your CICD more robust, fast and trustable. Hence, increasing your productivity and decreasing the time waiting for the build to be green with your fingers crossed.

