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Merging exports across multiple projects

Table of contents

  1. Why merge multiple projects under a single radpack registry?
  2. Registry structure
  3. Merging updated registry with current live registry
  4. Merging multiple radpack registries
  5. Next

You’re not required to export all dependencies from a single project, though that is the simplest option. If you have no need for merging multiple radpack projects into a single radpack.json, you can skip this lesson.

Why merge multiple projects under a single radpack registry?

This is largely an organizational preference, and this article exists for those that prefer to organize dependencies across many projects.

Registry structure

As explained in dependency graph, the most important bits of the radpack.json registry is simply the top level { "exports": { } }. Contained within the exports object is the name of each export, which is generally the same as the project name (package.json -> name).


  "exports": {
    "radpackRepo1": { },
    "radpackRepo2": { }

Merging updated registry with current live registry

This is likely the most common pattern for merging registries, which is to take the “live” registry (used in production, containing the latest exports of each radpack project), and to replace (not merge) the desired export key with the contents of the newly updated project.

Luckily radpack has a handy CLI to handle simple tasks like these:


radpack merge 'https://YOURCDN/radpack/radpack.json' ./dist/radpack.json --out ./radpack.json

In the above example, you’re loading the “live” registry (URL or file path), then merging the local changes from ./dist/radpack.json and producing the final ./radpack.json that you intend to eventually deploy as the new live registry.

radpack merge [files..] --out outputName

The merge command permits any number of files (and/or URL’s), and order matters. The shallow merge is performed from left to right.

Merging multiple radpack registries

Depending on your needs, another possible pattern is to merge all project registries at deployment time, ignoring the current “live” registry.

This pattern feels similar to the previous example but with any number of inputs.


radpack merge ./export1/dist/radpack.json ./export2/dist/radpack.json \
  ./export3/dist/radpack.json --out ./radpack.json


See how the server dependencies works.