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Testing with Radpack

Table of contents

  1. Local Proxy
  2. Node Middleware
  3. Client Middleware
  4. Next

There are two main features provided with radpack out of the box to aid with testing of shared dependencies: one for local development and one for soft deployments.

Local Proxy

If you want to test a radpack export in your local application before deploying changes to the export, this is easily achieved by leveraging the radpack local CLI. This command effectively detects for changes in node_modules (for radpack exports only), and serves a dynamic radpack.json registry via a URL set in process.env.RADPACK_LOCAL.

The radpack local command has quite a few options (see radpack local --help), but most of the defaults should suffice.

radpack local [cwd]

local proxy mode

  cwd  Root directory to detect locally linked radpack dependencies in
                                    [string] [default: process.cwd()]

  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --port          Port to listen on                     [number] [default: 3723]
  --host          Host to listen on              [string] [default: "localhost"]
  --tts           Time to stale if you wish for auto-refresh
                                                           [number] [default: 0]
  --warm          Preload linked directories           [boolean] [default: true]
  --route         Root path to make available     [string] [default: "/radpack"]
  --dist          Folder of distribution files        [string] [default: "dist"]
  --statics       Folder of static assets to serve      [string] [default: "./"]
  --staticsRoute  Route of static assets          [string] [default: "/statics"]
  --run           Run zero or more custom child commands   [array] [default: []]
  --open          Open zero or more browser URL's          [array] [default: []]

By using the radpack local service for loading bundles from the browser or Node, you can serve a radpack.json that reflects your locally linked radpack dependencies.

Also be sure to check out examples/clients/basic for a working example.

Node Middleware

As demonstrated in the server usage document, middleware may be leveraged to provide per-route testing of a radpack.json registry that is not yet live. This is also referred to as a soft deployment.


import middleware from '@radpack/server/middleware';


const getRadpack = middleware(radpack);

app.get('/', [getRadpack], async (req, res) => {
  // Important: Use radpack provided by middleware to support overrides
  const { default: handler } = await res.locals.radpack('radpack-rollup-server-example/home');
  return handler(req, res);

The role of the middleware is to detect a ?radpack=URL querystring and load the desired registry by setting res.locals.radpack to a unique instance to avoid conflict with the shared global instance.

Client Middleware

Just kidding! This middleware is not yet available. But the querystring behavior provided by the Node Middleware would be easy enough to emulate on the client if desired.


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